2010 Jack the Ripper Conference – Itinery

I am very pleased to say that due to me discovering a Word Press app for my Blackberry I shall be blogging from the 2010 Jack the Ripper Conference, being held in the Kings Stores, London this weekend. For those not in the know, this years speakers are John Bennett,...

My issues with a hat

For those of you who do not know me, I am quitea big fan of Sherlock Holmes (the great detective of Victorian London, created by Arthur Conan Doyle). For those of you who do know me, you may say that I am in fact slightly obsessed with it. But what are the famous...

How to spot a psychopath

How does one spot a psychopath in every day life? To answer this question we will look at the media perspective, and the psychological perspective. Media: Psychological: Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviours as indicated by repeatedly...

Fritzl for Fathers Day

Whiny people are again shouting out about the pathetic things in life. In a world where people are dying of starvation in Africa, there is electoral rioting in the Middle East, and our government is stealing all our cash, and what do people kick up a stink about....

Do you believe in destiny?

Today I would like to share the following with you: Taken from “Bad men do what good men dream: A Forensic Psychiatrist illunimated the darker side of human behaviour” by Robert I. Simon M.D. “But for the genetic and parental luck of the draw, might...