Penn and Teller

I would like to share with you my love for the “bad boys of magic”. Penn and Teller are one of the most famous magic acts in the world, wowing crowds night after night in their show in the Rio Casino in Las Vegas. Penn Jillette is a loud mouthed, outspoken...


Oh dear, it appears once again I have neglected this platform for my voice in the dizzying voids of cyberspace. My election coverage went down the pan as I only made one post, and it has been nearly half a year sine my voice was last expressed on here. I shall...

Election 2010: Day 1

Greetings faithful readers. Over the next month I (like many others in the blogosphere) shall chronicle the approach to the general election. This morning, Gordon Brown visited the Queen and requested Parliament be dissolved. Constitutionally setting the date for the...

A memory stirs…

Tonight I have finally signed up to Spotify. While picking and choosing which songs to listen to, on a whim I decided to type in one word. The name of a band as a teenager I loved, but I had not listened to properly for at least three years. Nirvana. As soon as the...

Mock me if you will…

Fancy a cheap laugh? I just booked two tickets to see Miley Cyrus play in December. That’s right, have a good chuckle. Done? Not quite? Okay, get it out of your system, I can wait all day. How about now? Good. This is how it came about: I told Rhian, my 14 year...

A study in progress

Next year I am required to undertake a research project for my Psychology degree. For someone like me with an interest in areas of Psychology which are not necesarily the most popular, this was quite daunting. When I recieved the list of possible topics and...